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FireWire Webcam Driver

This driver is intended primarily for webcams.


"This driver is intended primarily for webcams."
Sous la direction de This driver is primarily Macintosh OS 8 and 9 and were sold without support designed for the camera. If you buy OS X for us after the FireWire drive, you can use this for recording the same serial number (it's free) means.

Similarly, if you start by buying this one, with the same serial number you can upgrade to OS X version.

If ADS, AME, Aplux, Orange Micro comes with support for Mac OS 8-9 own a webcam, or FirewireDirect, we wrote the OEM drivers and these drivers may want to consider a free update. If you want to use this you must disable the current driver.

Thankfully, our installer, a very wise and knows not to ask for from anyone who should get it for free. Anyone can buy for only $ 19.95. FireWire Webcam Driver 1.1 download free can do now.

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